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At Hayes we aim to:

  • Provide a framework and opportunities in which sensitive discussions can take place

  • Help pupils develop feelings of respect for self and others, confidence and empathy

  • To enable pupils to keep themselves safe in both the real and online world

  • Develop knowledge and understanding of positive and healthy relationships

  • Ensure pupils know how to recognize, manage and talk about their physical and mental well being using the correct vocabulary

  • Make pupils aware of their rights especially in relation to their bodies 

  • Enable the development of social and relationship skills and protective behaviours

  • Create a positive culture around issues of relationships, friendships, difference and diversity

  • Prepare children for the physical and emotional changes of puberty 

  • Understand reproduction and birth within the context of loving and caring relationships 

  • Ensure pupils have a basic economic understanding to prepare them for life

  • Ensure children know how and where to access appropriate support 

Through PSHRE, pupils learn to discuss and explore personal, social, emotional, health and relationship and life experiences. Pupils develop a sense of self and also their place within their own family and within the wider community. They will learn how to keep themselves safe in various situations they might experience. Effective PSHRE is essential to safeguard children and to give them the skills they need to deal with real life decision making

PSHRE is a progressive curriculum covering both the statutory and non statutory guidance relating to: British Values, Protected Characteristics, Personal Development, Social Development, Health Development, Emotional Development, Anti bullying, e-safety, Drugs Education, Financial Education, Physical Development diet and lifestyle, Citizenship and SEAL.

Life Wise is a scheme of work that covers the DfE Guidance for their new Physical Health, Mental Wellbeing and Relationships Education for Primary Schools. We use the LifeWise programme to support the delivery of our PSHRE curriculum along with the Christopher Winter Project as the basis for our RSE curriculum. These resources can be adapted by teachers to meet the needs of all learners, including those with SEND. 

 In the EYFS they also combine their PSED with the Bucket Filling concept and Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning. 

The six core values at Hayes School, which are implemented practically and can be accessed by everyone, are; Responsibility, Resilience, Aspirations, Friendship, Discovery and Success which promote self esteem, safe risk taking, mindfulness, safe to fail ethos, self motivation and the ability to self assess (ELF) and reflect. These core values are integrated into our weekly assemblies where children will learn about the meaning of the values, have opportunities to discuss their ideas and opinions and also have the opportunity to develop their understanding of British Values and Protected Characteristics.

Ofsted 2019

Pupils like this school. They say that teachers and support staff want them to do well and keep them safe. Pupils behave well in lessons and when moving around the school. They work hard and do not disturb the learning of others.  

Pupils enjoy the many opportunities that the school provides beyond their usual lessons. A good example is the opportunity for every pupil to learn to play steel drums and marimbas. The Year 6 pupils performed a highly-skilled and exciting musical performance for the team of inspectors. Pupils also enjoy the range of educational visits and residential trips where many enjoy staying away from home for the first time.  

 Parents are very positive about the school. A typical view was, ‘My children have grown into capable, independent, confident young people and I can’t thank the staff enough for their dedication and hard work.’ Parents appreciate the strong support provided by the pastoral team. They also recognise how the headteacher and deputy headteacher make themselves available for anyone with concerns.  

Pupils told inspectors that bullying is rare, and that staff deal with any behaviour issues quickly and fairly. They know how to stay safe when they use the internet because they are given excellent guidance in school.  

Leaders and teachers make sure that pupils learn moral and social skills that help them to get along well together. Pupils develop a good cultural understanding and they are able to reflect upon the different views and beliefs of people that they might meet in the country and in travels to other parts of the world. 

The school Council have planned and implemented a cake sale to raise funds for school. They have researched our local MP and planned questions ready for his visit to school. The Peer Mediations have been trained and are mature, skilled children who help others in the playground to resolve any disputes.